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You might have heard about appendage-style dampeners, which are installed above the flow line to reduce energy waves. However, they reduce only the larger, slower and low frequency energy waves because the high-frequency ones are too fast to flow into this dampener. This leaves the appendage style options unable to react to these waves.

Many companies have attempted to develop the appropriate solutions to this drawback, such as maintenance-free units, but these are extremely costly. They usually involve reconfiguring skids or adding a massive amount of size and weight to a rig or facility. Fortunately, there’s a better and longer-lasting solution that can effectively deal with the issues typical of appendage-style dampeners: Acoustic Assassin®️

An inline acoustic baffling system that’s specially designed to reduce high frequency energy waves generated by the reciprocating pumps’ operation, the Acoustic Assassin lets you increase the longevity of your expendables for topside and downhole equipment while reducing signal noise and sync-up time.  This customizable solution also detunes any system experiencing overly active acoustic signatures, allowing for smoother and more efficient operation and less wear and tear on components.

What the Acoustic Assassin Can Do

Acoustic harmonics in your pumping system can create several problems with differing results, manifesting as premature failure of pulsation and pumping equipment, excessive pipe vibration and issues with signal syncing. Acoustic Assassin can deal with this using flow-through technology, alleviating high frequency signal disruptions. It can also customize the performance of any pumping system through different chamber configurations and baffling systems.

The Acoustic Assassin works on pumping systems 10,000 PSI and higher, so you no longer have to worry about steel components wearing down after absorbing too much energy. With this solution installed, your system absorbs significantly less energy, allowing it to last longer and perform better. You wouldn’t think it could get much better than this, but it can when coupled with the Charge Free Conversion Kit®, the leading energy-mitigating system available today.

When it comes to pulsation control systems, it pays to consider how well they can meet advances in the industry. An adaptive solution can help ensure greater and smoother performance in your pipe systems, giving you less to worry about premature wear and tear and disruptions to your operations.


Justin Manley is the lead inventor and pulsation expert for Sigma Drilling Technologies. He is the author of several patents and trademarks dealing directly with advanced pulsation control, including the highly successful Charge Free Conversion Kit® and the Acoustic Assassin®. He lives in North Texas with his wife and three children.