01. About →
What are we talking about and why is it important.
The pumped media will carry both low-frequency and high-frequency energy waves or disturbances propagating through the pumped media by the nature of a reciprocating pump’s start-stop action. Standard appendage-style pulsation dampeners generally mitigate low-frequency waves well, but high-frequency waves usually are too quick for an appendage-style pulsation dampener to handle.
Traditional appendage-style dampeners are installed above the flow line and can only reduce the larger, slower low-frequency energy waves. These pulsation control units cannot truly mitigate the other type of waves, high-frequency energy waves.
Those high-frequency energies produced by the pump are smaller and faster. They are too quick for a traditional dampener to react to and continue down the line from the dampeners.
Most attempted solutions to this dilemma are incredibly costly. These “maintenance free” dampeners involve either reconfiguring your skid or adding a massive amount of size and weight to your rig or facility.